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The Invasion Sheild is a machine built by Jason Yelloweagle and manufactured by Yelloweagle Co. to prevent Jolly Roger from sending an invasion to an island. It was built on 7/26/1722, and for now is only set up on Yelloweagle's Paradise but can be sent to anybody who pays. Here is a picture of it.

Sheild 2

The Invasion Sheild generator is to be placed in the middle of the island

The Pirate Sheild[]

The Pirate sheild is another product invented and built by Jason Yelloweagle and manufactered by Yelloweagle Co. and was also made on 7/26/1722. It was made to prevent pirates (also anybody else that you don't want to come) from entering. When they enter it sends them right back to Tortuga. Here is a picture of it.

Thumbnail 2

The Pirate Sheild


20 pieces of gold

This is another great product of Yelloweagle Co.[]
